So, Ive been asked a number of times to show them off - so thought I might do so right now :).
These straps are uber comfy, and uber-Beetlebum - they are my single fold wrap style strap with padding over the shoulder, with a retractable 'Wing' (hence the name) that can cup your shoulder when you want it to :). Nope, you wont find a strap anywhere like it!
Ive been making them for well over a year now, for friends and family - and of course the odd one on request.. They have had rave reviews and Im thrilled that the owners love them as much as I do!!!
Here is my little teeny 2mo Phoenix in Sarah's Mod Heart/Martin conversion - Phoenix is now a burly 18mo toddler!! I just go *squish* when I see his teeny baby pictures!!!
See??! See the Wing??!
And my current beloved Mamami Rainbow wrap conversion. I just LOVE the new Girasol weave, it is so gorgeous and snuggly!!
More? You want to see more?? Sure thing, your wish is my command... I will keep you posted!