Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy 2013!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry blog, I have been bad.  I need to re-connect!  So, here we go!

2013 brings big changes for me, my family and Beetlebums.  This year I will be focusing on instock carriers - and sewing on particular days only.  As those in Facebook land know, I have Laura on board, who will continue to work on the admin front, leaving me plenty of time to do what I love most.  Creating individual, special baby carriers annnnnnnddddd....


Including WRAPPIES!

I had a bit of a break from making nappies.  There were personal reasons for this, the main one however being that I needed a change of pace.  So I focused on making baby carriers.  Anyway, now I am back in the seat and have minky and Procare flying around my sewing room like crazy!

You might also notice that I am gradually changing my logo.  What you see ^^ up there, is the new logo - designed for me by the awesome Suse from Finely Woven.  I just love it, don't you?!

Just a gentle reminder that I will not be making customs at all from this point on.  This doesn't mean that anything I make will be less special though!  Add to that the fact that there is no wait time, this is going to be a great year for you to get your hands on anything Beetlebums.

There is an AWESOME piece of goss that I am just busting at the bit to share - a new and wonderful opportunity for me and I am thrilled to be involved - keep an eye on the blog and on my Facebook page for updates!

There will be more Beetlebums/PAXbaby exclusive Girasol baby wraps - like Phoenix, which I designed in 2012.

how cute is Jillian!!?

Last of all, as Beetlebums morphs into whatever it will be, I am feeling a need to thank those who have constantly been by my side for the years I have been plugging away.  This includes friends, family and supporters!  

So in 2013 I will blog more.  MUCH more!  Hooray!

Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Beetlefolk

Love Kylie O

Mama Mel said...

right back atcha Kylie <3