Wow is all I can say - I have been invited by Manduca Australia and Fertile Mind to participate in a Das Trageschule Babywearing Consultants course, facilitated by none other than the founder of the famous European School, Ulrike Hower. There are just ten experienced babywearing advocates invited, so yes - after watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory just the other night, I feel like I won a Golden Ticket.
So, in April, ten keen, excited and curious women will converge in Sydney. Quite a few of us have known eachother for years online. How awesome to experience this all together! Not to mention the sleepover, geeking out over carriers and the classes, food, chatting and... Maybe cocktails?
THEN, on April 14, there is a free Babywearing Masterclass in which babywearing enthusiasts and professionals from all over the country will meet!! Once again - loads of women I've known for years online will be standing in front of me!! Hugs abounding!!
The best part of course is the fact that this amazing opportunity has been given to us - not just those participating but ALL of Australia. This is the first major event here in our country in relation to babywearing only, and only good can come from such a great education.
Can't wait to blog my brain off about this - I am so excited and feel humbled and honoured to be invited! Squee and WOOT!