Thursday, May 10, 2012

Babywearing 101

This coming Friday go to Kanga Collective is holding its first official information session on Babywearing.  I will be talking briefly about the safety/how to choose/basic Optimal Positioning when it comes to baby carrying.  This is the pilot plan that will eventually be run out throughout Australia!

I will then be available to assist individuals with their own questions or tweaks they might need, and advising on what carrier one might need in relation to their needs.

This is not to promote Beetlebums in any way - in fact, just to prove it, I will not even bring one with me.  This is part of the Kanga Collective 101 sessions!!  The carriers that will be there are provided by those who have kindly donated to the Kanga Collective Carrier Library, along with some examples of ideal baby carriers.  Kanga Collective Advocacy Bags will also make their debut, with the participants being given one to take home with them.

If you are in the area and would like to come along and learn all about the HOW and WHY when it comes to babywearing, then please come along to the Toowoomba Library, from 9.30am this Friday 11th May.

Remember - Babywearing Education bring Baby Wearing Elation!

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