Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Big Butt Baby Pants!

I stumbled upon this pattern whilst stalking Rae on her wonderful blog. Wowee, why HADN'T I SEEN THIS BEFORE?! Like, hellllllllllo Mel.

These pants are seriously adorable. Easy as to make and Im sure that they are stupid comfy!

Just check out the P-man, loitering at the playgym! Look at his Echino Ni-Co Big Butt Baby Pants!

See? He really loves them!! I tried to match the car seamlessly on the patch - it kinda worked..

Now this was way too cute to not add. Im sick of hearing that he 'will be a heartbreaker'... He is already dammit!

And here is the posterior! Kobi and I are going to be having a 'Pants Day' soon - we love to sew together at the dining table, the last time it was (wait for it) nappies.... Shocking hey?

You can sew from the pattern too!! Go on, you know you want to. These pants are insanely gorgeous and sew easy to make. You noticed that didn't you?... Just imagine the possibilities. Endless daydreaming ahead for me.

*pinch* No you aren't dreaming.


Kylie said...


Mama Mel said...

YAY you saw it LOL!

Sew very very very cute!

Suse said...

When did P-man start standing! He's all grownded up! They're way cute Mel!

Sarah said...

They are very cute! I have a similar pattern I use for pants for Kai :D

Mama Mel said...

Suse! I know, I had to kind of prop him up there and be ready to catch! Today is the first day he has really stood like that!! And he started crawling the day before yesterday, and his bottom teeth are so so close! WHOA what a WEEK!

Sarah I love those pants - I remember them! I set about drafting a pattern of my own and stumbled across this one, and thought - 'work is done for me.'


Catriona Kaminski said...

Seeing this post was one of the final inspirations for me to get sewing - you know Miss M does not have a SINGLE pair of pants?! Hopefully she will soon!