Monday, March 16, 2009

Stacks on!

I just had to share this pile of Inside Outs with you!!!! Ive got some of them previewing in my store right now, should have more up tomorrow. Im working now on a couple of carriers and pocket nappies :).


Snoozie said...

You always use such bright, uplifting, funky, rocking prints... they are like instant smile! Well done! Can't wait to see them all up previewing.

Anonymous said...

You've been a very busy beetle Mel!

with that pile I may even have a chance to snavel one!! woo hoo!!

Mama Mel said...

Oh thanks guys!!!

Claire said...

Oh wow!! I love our inside outs soooo much, and I agree, you use the most awesome prints, well done for finishing so many!

Tasha said...

wow you have been so busy!! they look just gorgeous Mel :)